Addie was able to come home a few hours after having surgery yesterday to remove the three pins from her right humerus. The docs were able to use much less medicine to put her to sleep, and she walked into her favorite restaurant a few hours later with nothing but a little grumpiness. In recovery, she did tell me she would like to punch someone. I politely backed up a couple of feet and let her think on that one!! She was soooooooo not herself. She was "grumpy-butt" as we sometimes call her little brother. That wore off after a nurse tried to roll the vital signs cart out of Addie's recovery room with Addie still attached to it via pulse-ox finger thing and blood pressure cuff. That is the first laugh or even grin we saw from her. Even Daddy-O couldn't make her smile, and he was pulling all of his tricks!!
Addie will see the surgeon again in four weeks. Until then, no riding horses, using the trampoline, hang gliding, bungee jumping, gymnastics.....she is bumming about the recovery time, but I know she will deal with it. Her arm will be back to its original strength in about three months.
Addie turns 9 tomorrow!!! Daddy-O and I decided today that she will have a backwards birthday and turn 7 instead!! We pray for her to stay just like this every day!!! She is such an amazing girl, and I can't wait to be her friend someday!! One day a few weeks ago as we had been talking about a few people we know who have gone to Heaven recently, she told me that she thinks she and I will be best friends in Heaven. Wow, how great will that be!!
Ainslee is maturing more and more. She is still very self-centered...learned that honestly from ME!!! But I see changes that give me lots of hope. Yesterday she woke up very early and went to the hospital with Addie and me. We arrived just after 7 am and didn't leave until about 4:00. Most of the time it was us three girls in a tiny pre-op room, and we had a good time. Ainslee was so mature, helpful and kind. She tried to keep Addie from worrying, and she asked everyone all sorts of questions. I am so proud of her.
Today Garrett was cast fo rnew orthodics..those things that go onto his feet before his shoes go on. He had outgrown the last ones almost. He was very worried at first but then settled down and used a ton of self control to wimper a little, but that was it!! Addie will be getting new orthodics soon, but ones that will be in the very bottom of her shoes and not visible to the general public.
Off to bed I go!! Garrett decided to wake up this morning at 4. He has slept so well the past three years, and I forgot how frustrating these middle of the night wake-wakes are!! Good night and Merry Christmas. I thank God

Addie took a spill/launch off her horse, Lucy, while practicing pole bending at the arena on Friday the 13th of November. We could see a bone was either completely broken and out of place or just really badly dislocated as we helped her get up off the ground. We took her to the local ER just a few miles away where the x-ray showed her humerus bone, the one in the top of the arm, was completely broken off at the head of the bone. The doctor there put her arm in a splint, a sling and then wrapped it to her body and assured us that gravity would heal it over time and it would drop into place and heal on its own. The pain was terrible, and she was given oral pain meds and Motrin to take for it. The night was okay...slept a few hours, but then Saturday she began to vomit. We thought it was the meds, so our pediatrician called in something different. Problem was that Addie needed to eat and drink to take the meds, and she was scared to do either. Saturday night was painful and then Sunday I took her to the larger Baton Rouge hospital that has a children's ER where they x-rayed it, two docs saw the shots and thought it needed to be repaired but then the orthopedic doc reviewed the x-rays and said the same as the first ER doc Friday. The ER gave her a pain shot and sent us home in lots of pain and frustration. Monday we saw a great ortho doc and then his trauma surgeon and Monday evening she had surgery to put the bone back together with three pins. Today it is surgery day to remove them, just in time for Addie's birthday Wednesday! She can't wait to ride again!!! It's in the jeans and the genes!!!